Who We Are?

Our MissioN

Our mission at AYA is to foster a strong and connected Yemeni American community by promoting cultural heritage, providing resources for education and empowerment, and advocating for social justice and civil rights. We aim to create a platform where Yemeni Americans can come together, celebrate their identity, and contribute positively to society.

About The Alliance Of Yemeni Americans (AYA)

The Alliance Of Yemeni Americans (AYA) is a non-profit organization established to serve the needs and interests of Yemeni Americans nationwide. Founded on the principles of unity, empowerment, and cultural preservation, AYA is committed to creating a platform for Yemeni Americans to connect, learn, and thrive.

Our Core Values

  • Unity: We believe in the strength of unity and collaboration to achieve common goals and address community challenges.
  • Empowerment: We are committed to empowering Yemeni Americans through education, resources, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Cultural Preservation: We are dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of Yemeni Americans for future generations.

Join Us

Join AYA in our mission to build a stronger, more connected Yemeni American community. Whether you are a student, professional, parent, or community member, there are numerous ways to get involved and make a positive impact. Together, we can create a brighter future for Yemeni Americans across the country.

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